Tuesday 29 September 2009

Oh, and one more thing...

However, Daniel, I feel I must tell you this…

I’m not a stupid girl.

I know that all these things he tells me – the “I love you”s, the “I want you”s, the “you’re so special”s – I know it’s just words and I know he’s a smart guy… he knows the right things to say to reel a gal in.

And I’m also not completely blind to the fact that there’s every possibility he has a whole string of girlies on the go. I mean, why not!?

Does it bother me? Hmm… no, I don’t honestly think it does.

I’ve come to know what guys are like.

I mean, get this… some guy (let’s call him Blondie) has been getting in touch with me, sending me cheeky flirty messages, making very suggestive comments… I’ve not been reciprocating in the same manner – I am a lady after all, Daniel! But anyway, there’s been all this over the past few months, and now I find out Blondie’s getting married!

I mean, fine, it’s cool… but he could’ve let me in on the secret, don’t ya think!? So… bye bye, Blondie – only room for so much complication in my little life.


Anyway, what was I saying?


Yes, I’m not a stupid girl you see, Daniel… I know it’s just words, and he could just be saying all the right things to keep me hanging. But boy, is he leaving me hanging!

I know he enjoys our “late night chats” (and, I can’t tell a lie, so do I), and that may well be a reason for him leading me on…

I think, though, deep down, I don’t want him to be keeping me sweet just for the late night chats.

I like the feelings he gives me (not just during the late night chats!)… I just like him. Really really like him. Woah!

Aaaaanyhoo! I’d better leave it there before you get earache, dearest Daniel…

Mwah! xxxxxx


  1. I didn't think Blondie was a twat, 'til I found out he's getting married!! He didn't interest me anyway, I think I was simply humouring him... x
