Thursday 1 October 2009

They think it's all over... it certainly is now!

Daniel, my love,

Ok, I am more than aware that I’m sounding much like a manic depressant these past few days – one minute on cloud 9 and on top of the world, the next minute wanting to kick fluffy kittens and shout at small children… but, right now, I’m back up on cloud 9.

I am now, officially, rid of Mr X… for good!

No more ties, no more excuses for him to have to get in touch with me, no more nothing! Woop!

My Girl Power act yesterday obviously hit a nerve with him as he was like a pussy cat today, tip-toeing around me as we finalised things. He used his manners. He didn’t raise his voice at me. And there were definitely no physical threats.

Go Fleur!

So, that’s that one done with, out of my life.

Little part of me is sad. I mean, you don’t spend almost five years of your life with someone and just walk away lightly, despite what they might have done.

It wasn’t love, I know that much. I wasn’t in love with him, but it was right at the time. Except all the pushing and shoving, as he gradually got too big for his boots and thought he could do what he wanted to me. No, Siree! Well, not anymore.

Anyway, enough babbling… like I said, it’s all over with now, and I couldn’t be happier. Pizza and drinks tonight to celebrate!

Oh, and I’ll update on Mr E later… confusing times, but mostly ok (I think…)

Almost the weekend – smiley times!

F xxxxxxxxx

1 comment:

  1. Mmmm Pizza, you're making me jealous whilst I settle for my calorie-count-chicken!
