Saturday 24 October 2009

Could it be magic?

Daniel, it seems that since I've let one guy into my heart that now I'm prepared to let another in and risk that hurt again...

Except, Dan, this time it's no risk!

Yes, I'm talking about my magical (boy)friend. He's practically perfect in every way. He's looking after me, he's so attentive, he's making me laugh when times have been hard... oh my god, I really am falling... but don't tell him yet!

There's just one thing holding us back at the moment... we haven't "done the deed", y'know... we haven't slept together, gone all the way, shagged, fucked, made love... whatever you want to call it! Of course we've kissed (a lot), and we're always holding hands, cuddling, and we've kinda had a bit of a "fumble", but there's still that barrier of going all the way.

Obviously we have to... y'know, if we're gonna be a proper couple! We can't be one of those couples who don't have sex. Can we? It's not that I don't find him attractive... I do! And he's got a great body... better than mine! In fact, and don't tell him this, but he's kinda fit! :P

Actually, who am I trying to kid, it's not gonna be that hard after all!

Just a quickie from me today (that bears no connection to what I've just been talking about!)... catch up soon, my lovely Daniel. The afternoon calls me and I have online shopping to do... Jimmy Choo and Selfridges, here I come! Oh, and maybe some Fortnum and Mason choccies...

F xxx

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